Overcoming Challenges for EV Charging in Urban Infrastructure

Efficiently electrifying the world’s vehicle fleet and transitioning to electric charging is a monumental challenge in the transportation industry. As we shift away from traditional refueling methods towards electric vehicles (EVs), it is crucial to address the complexities associated with integrating EV charging into urban infrastructure. This task becomes even more formidable in urban areas […]

Car Subscription Services

Car Subscription Services: Why Motorheads Love This New Trend

Anyone who loves cars knows that sometimes there are just too many to choose from. Whether you are interested in the newest BMW SUV or have had your eye on the new Mercedes sports models, there is no way to know for sure which car is for you until you drive it. And this is […]

Car Sales Staff

5 Ways to Motivate Sales Staff

Sales staff are a pivotal part of any successful business, and a unmotivated sales team is not what you need. When motivated, a sales team fight there hardest to swap a no to a yes, leading to plenty more sales.  Commission The ultimate tried and tested method for motivating a sales team is through commission. […]

Car Finance

How to get the Best Deal on Car Finance

Nowadays, an ever-growing number of people are turning to finance plans to pay for a car. There are a variety of finance types and providers and understanding how to get the best deal can sometimes seem like a monstrous task, but these tips should help to simplify things.  Keep Up-to-Date with your Credit Reports When […]

perfect for your drives

Making the Most of Your Phone for Busy Adults

For most of us working, busy bee adults, we spend a significant portion of our day commuting and sometimes, in nearly unbearable amounts of traffic. For that of course, our cars are vital to our everyday routines. Whether you are heading over to check out the latest styles at Foot Locker or driving your little […]

Must Know Tips for Selling Used Cars

Is your clunker on its last mile?  Have you decided that it is time to trade in your car for a newer model? Researching, preparing and actually selling your used car is a huge undertaking. If done correctly, you’ll be able to secure top dollar for your vehicle. If it were as easy as taking […]

Life in a van

How many of you would envisage a van if we asked you to imagine your dream home? Probably more of you than you think. A life on wheels with an everchanging postcode is quite an appealing and exciting lifestyle to lead for some. With that in mind, van retailer Van Monster has considered the ways […]